How to develop a plugin

The following sections describe the 4 major rules to respect in order to create your python package you want to use as a Pandora plugin.

  1. Instantiate a subclass

Each subpackage of Pandora, representing one particular step, defines an abstract base classes

class MYMATCHINGCOST(matching_cost.AbstractMatchingCost):
  1. Provide definitions of abstract methods

def desc(self):
    Describes the matching cost method
    print('My similarity measure')

def compute_cost_volume(self, img_left, img_right, disp_min, disp_max, **cfg)
    print ("Just an example")
  1. Implement a configuration checking method for parameters checking

def __init__(self, **cfg):

    self.cfg = self.check_config(**cfg)
    self._my_matching_cost_param = str(self.cfg['my_matching_cost_param'])
    self._window_size = self.cfg['window_size']
    self._subpix = self.cfg['subpix']

def check_config(self, **cfg):
    Add default values to the dictionary if there are missing elements and check if the dictionary is correct

    :param cfg: matching_cost configuration
    :type cfg: dict
    :return cfg: matching_cost configuration updated
    :rtype: dict
    # Give the default value if the required element is not in the configuration
    if 'window_size' not in cfg:
        cfg['window_size'] = self._WINDOW_SIZE
    if 'subpix' not in cfg:
        cfg['subpix'] = self._SUBPIX

    schema = {
        "matching_cost_method": And(str, lambda x: x == 'my_matching_cost_method'),
        "window_size": And(int, lambda x: x == 11),
        "subpix": And(int, lambda x: x == 1),
        "my_matching_cost_param": int,

    checker = Checker(schema)
    return cfg desc(self):
  1. Make your plugin avalaible

Pandora works with entry point specification and can load all plugin refered in the “pandora.plugin” group.

So, you must declare, on your file, an entry point:

      description='Pandora plugin to compute cost volume with my new matching cost algorithm',
          plugin_my_matching_cost_method = plugin_my_matching_cost_method.my_matching_cost_method:MYMATCHINGCOST